Friday, April 30, 2010

Cited Sources


I chose Lennie, because i felt as if i understood him .Lennie from my point of view wasn't stupid he was special and different. Lennie had a gift that others didn't. Lennie know matter how he was treated had eternal happiness. Lennie lived for joy and enjoyed making others happy. I feel as if i made a great choice choosing Lennie and i wouldn't choose anyone else.


4 Lined Poem about Lenie

There are Those Who Were Leaders/
There are those who are folllowers/
Some who will be missed by many/
One who we alll will miss Lennie/

10 Words to Describe Lennie

Bravery=> In the book Lennie was able to defend himself against Curley.

Loyalty=> George initially treated Lennie badly. He made him do stupid things because Lennie would do anything George said. I think this is terrible.

Simple=> In the book Lennie ask George why do cards have the same face whether or not there upside down.

Uncapable=>George treats Lennie like a child or a puppy, because he has to look out for him like you do a dog. I think it’s not right that he treats him like that, he may need to be watched after but he should still treat him like the real human being he is.

Strong=> When fighting Curley he broke his hand.

Massive=> Lennie kills Curley's Wife while trying to comfort her.

Obedient=> Though he is a Grown man he still does whatever he is told to do by George.

Crazy=> He imagines himself talking to the a rabbit which tells him how George will get rid of him.

UnMissed=>Curley saw his wife dead and was angry. He went to kill Lennie after he saw Lennie dead he was very happy.

Poverty=> All Lennie had was George and George like the others cared not much about him.

2 Pictures that relate to the character

I would say that this image was taken from the death scene of Curley's wife. As you can see both of there faces look devistating.

This is an image of how George an Lennnie would look.In the book it seems as if Lennie's bestfriend is George. Lennie would do anything to protect George.

2 Pictures that relate to the character

This is an image of the setting.In my opinion, i feel as if this image was when George decided to kill Lennie. I chose this to capture a visual setting of the book.

This is an image of Lennie. I chose this image ,because its a direct example of the books description. Lennis is a large ,strong , and simple minded man.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 Quotes By lennie To Over Shadow The Book

Lennie:The rabbits we're gonna get and I, I get to tend 'em. I feel as if this was a reflection in the end to how Lennie knew George was going to get rid of him.By Lennie being so curious and loving to rabbits to cought his attention.

Lennie: But not us, George, because I... see, I got you to look after me, but you got me to look after you. Lennie felt as if George would do anything for him and vice versa.

Journal Post 4

Lennie decides to go to the place George told him to go to if he ever gets into trouble. Lennie though of his Aunt Clara and how she yelled at him for getting in trouble and never caring aout George. Lennie began to daz and think of a rabbit that told him hoe George would get rid of him. Than George appeared and told him he wouldn't get rid of him. George begins to tell him about dreams of living on a farm tending rabbits and make shim look across the river. George puts the gun to the back of Lennie's head and shoots him. Slim guesses what happened and told him it had to be done.

Journal Post 3

Lennie was sitting in the barn.He killed the puppy given to him by Slim accidentally.Lennie tries to hide the puppy before George finds out. Curley's wife came in the barn but Lennie refused to hold conversation with her.She finds out the puppy is dead and tells him he can get another one.Curley's wife tells him that she dosen't like Curley and hates living on the ranch. She tells Lennie to feel her long soft hair,than told him to stop and he panicked, and accidentally broke her neck. Curley and the rest of the men found Curley's wife and knew Lennie did it and planned to shoot him.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Journal Post 2

Candy joined the attack with joy." Glove fulla vaseline," he said disgustedly.Curley glared at him.His eyes slipped on past and lighted on Lennie; and Lennie was still smiling with delight at the memory of the ranch.Curley stepped over to Lennie like a terrier."What the hell you laughin' at?" Lennie looked blankly at him."Huh?" tard. Curley attacks Lennie ,assuming that Lennie is smiling at him.Curley thinks that Lennie enjoys the insults being given by Curleys expense.So Curley gives Lennie a bloody nose and hurts his stomach area.

Journal Post 1

Lennie was in a situation in the book where i realized that Lennie was a little simple. Lennie got out his bunk and sat downn at the table, across from George.Almost automatically George.Almost automatically George shuffled the cards and laid out a hand of solitaire.Lennie reached for a face card and studied it, then turned it upside down and studied it.Both then ends the same, than he ask George why is both ends the same. I realize that Lennie wasn't certain about alot of life's simple pleasures. By him asking George the answer to that made me realize either how simple or how curous George really was.

Three Direct Quotes From The Book.

"George gonna say i did a bad thing."He aint gon let me tend no rabbits".

Lennie said"Maybe if i took this pup out and throwed him away George wouldn't never know.An' then i could tend the rabbits without no trouble."

Lennie explained miserably"George aint gon let me tend no rabbits."

Lennie's Favorite Animal

In this book or story Lennie is overwhelmed with rabbits.In the passage Lennie Stated"i might jus' as well go away.George ain't gonna let me tend no rabbits now."